Forests in the EU - Seeing the forest behind the trees

Az EU 2030-ig szóló erdészeti stratégiája jövőképet és konkrét intézkedéseket határoz meg az uniós erdők mennyiségi és minőségi javítása, védelme, helyreállítása és ellenálló képességének fokozása érdekében. Léteznek ugyan jogalkotási eszközök erdeink állapotának javításához, de ezek további tárgyalásokat igényelnek. Konferenciánk célja, hogy tudományos érveket és társadalmi hozzájárulást biztosítsunk a tárgyalási folyamathoz.

Helyszín:  MTA Humán Tudományok Kutatóháza
Tóth Kálmán utca 4.

Időpont: 2024. október 3.-4.

A konferenciát ANGOL nyelven tartjuk, tolmács nélkül.

További információ:

Partnereink: European Environmental Bureau (EEB), Fertő tó Barátai Egyesület, Wild Europe Foundation, Nagy Tavak és Vizes Élőhelyek Szövetsége


Day1 - October 3. 

Getting to know our forests, 


8:30 Registration

9:00: Welcome by Zoltan Kun (obo the organisers of Civil EU Presidency) & Karl Wagner

9:10: Introduction to the policy scene: 

  • EU policies impacting our forests - Marco Onida, European Commission DG Environment, head of forest unit (online)
9:30 Session 1: Old-Growth forests in Europe
  • Remote primary forest project - Martin Mikoláš, Czech University of Life Sciences
  • Old-growth forests in accession countries based on Wild-card project - Renzo Motta, University of Turin
  • Taking a joint strategy for wilderness protection and old-growth forest further in Europe - Zoltan Kun, Forest Defenders Alliance / Wild Europe Foundation

10:40 Coffee break

11:00 Session 2 - Threats to our forests with focus on the renewable energy directive
  • The role of forest biomass in our energy mix- Gabriella Szajkó, Regional Energy Research Centre (REKK)
  • Can forest biomass burning be renewable? - the case of the Hungarian biomass power plants - Ádám Harmat, WWF Hungary
  • How to strengthen the Renewable Energy Directive - from ideas to implementation - Mary Booth, Partnership for Policy Integrity

12:30 lunch break

14:00 Session 3 - Forests as nature-based solution
  • Improving the state of forests as a response to the intertwined biodiversity and climate crisis - Stefan Kreft, Naturwald Akademie
  • Defining and valuing forest ecosystem services - Cecilia Fraccaroli, European Forest Institute
  • What role payments for ecosystem services can play to improve the state of our forests - Toby Aykroyd, Wild Europe Foundation


15:30 Coffee break

16:00 What needs to change to improve our forests
  • Interactive podium talk moderated by Karl Wagner

Day2 - October 4:

Improving forest policies - 


9:00 Session 4: EU Forest Monitoring Law

  • Introducing the key forest monitoring recommendations of the Bottoms-up project - Dr. Péter Ódor, HUN-REN Ecological Research Centre
  • Forest monitoring case study from Sweden - Jon Anderson, Protect the Forest
  • The EU Forest Monitoring Law as a key policy instrument to improve our knowledge about forests- Augustyn Mikos, Pracownia


10:30 Coffee break

11:00 Session 5 - Forest Degradation and NRL
  • Opportunities and challenges in monitoring forest degradation - Kenji Ose, EU Joint Research Centre (online)
  • Global Forest Watch and EU forest monitoring needs - Sarah Carter, World Resources Institute
  • The status of forest naturalness in Hungary - László Gálhidy, WWF Hungary


12:30 lunch

13:30 Session 6 - The law as our tool to protect forests
  • Law enforcement for protecting forests - Estonian case study - Liina Steinberg, Save the Forest
  • EU legislative processes linked to forests in past 5 years and in the coming period - Michal Wiezik, Member of the European Parliament (Slovakia), Renew Europe 
  • Forest management planning and citizens' rights - Marta Jagusztyn, Lasy i Obywatele


15:00 Coffee break

15:30 Imagining the future of Europe’s forests

  • Interactive podium talk moderated by Karl Wagner.

16:15 Closing the conference - concluding remarks