These are our priorities. Without them, there is no future.
12-13. september 2024
Budapest, MagNet Közösségi Ház
3-4. october 2024
Budapest, Hungarian Academy of Science
15. november 2024
Europe point,
1024 Budapest, Lövőház u. 35.
BUDAPEST, MagNet Közösségi Ház, Andrássy street 98.
Forests are home to 80% of the world's biodiversity, and nearly half of the world's 4 billion hectares of forest are managed for logging. Unfortunately, the intertwined climate and biodiversity loss crisises continue, and forests are needed more than ever to maintain stable ecosystems and ecosystem services. This requires a paradigm shift in forest management in Europe too.
BUDAPEST, VDSZ - Benczúr utca 45.
Over the past 5 years, a number of important EU initiatives have been launched to address the shrinking of civic space for civil society organisations in an increasing number by a growing number of Member States. The concerning phenomenon calls for a comprehensive EU civil society strategy, which is much needed to protect and support civil society organisations and strengthen citizen participation. Advocacy at European level will remain an important tool in the years to come, and civic actors need to keep the issue of civil society on the agenda of EU institutions in the next five-year period, to prevent throwback and promote new initiatives.
It is chaired by a different EU country every six months, ensuring continuity in the work of the Union in the Council.
The Member States holding the Presidency work closely together in groups of three, known as Presidency Trios. The members of the trio set long-term objectives and prepare a joint programme identifying the themes and major issues that the Council will address during the 18-month period (the three presidencies of the three Member States). On the basis of this programme, each of the three countries will also draw up its own more detailed six-month plan.
The current trio is made up of the Spanish, Belgian and Hungarian presidencies, with Hungary as the third member of the trio.
Spain held the presidency of the Council of the European Union during the second half of 2023. The presidency was the first of three presidencies making up a presidency trio, followed by the presidency of Belgium and Hungary.
Belgium held the presidency of the Council for the 13th time, continuing the work of the previous presidency (Spain) before passing the baton to the next presidency, Hungary.
Between 1 July 2024 and 31 December 2024, Hungary will hold the presidency of the Council of the European Union for the second time.
This enhances the role of citizens' initiatives and shows that social and environmental issues are closely linked: no society can be healthy if the environment around it is unlivable, and the environment can only be protected in a democratic, solidarity-based and sustainable society.
Civil society organisations, as custodians of social dialogue and public participation, play an essential role in transmitting these values. Action is needed - this is the main message of our events.
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